Operational Assurance
We have extensive experience in this area and fully understand the practicalities of successful operational risk management. As well as in the UK, this experience has been used to positive effect in USA, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, in operational management, integration, safety approval and readiness for service of new trains and new rail systems.
Our understanding of operational dynamics, human factors and the control of risk, enables us to help our clients maintain a relentless but flexible focus on risk management & safety assurance. Our ability to act impartially in assessments (such as ISA work) and independent investigations is of particular value to many clients.
Example projects include.
Chaired Independent Investigations & Inquiries into high-risk accidents and safe working incidents.
Led the review / investigation of a number of significant UK disruptive events for the Office of Rail & Road (ORR).
Appointed as Senior Reporters to ORR / NR for over 20 years, providing risk & safety assurance auditing of NR systems, processes & procedures.
Management and delivery of Safety Validation processes, both in the UK and overseas.
Independent reviews of Safety Management Systems & processes, both in the UK and overseas.
Contributor to Preliminary Hazard Analysis for the NR Digital Railway Programme - focus on application of the Common Safety Methods and operational risks
Supported several Railway Safety & Standards Board (UK) research projects, particularly relating to traincrew safety risk.
Preparation & authorship of a Safety Plan for a very large, multi-operator new station in East Asia.
Undertaken reviews of Driver Safety and Risk Management in several UK TOCs.